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"the indigenous people saw the value and the unity of it all"

Someone in the world comes up with a good idea and puts it to work; but it doesn't realize the importance of it in a global perspective. Ambassadors around the world can pass the word on actions and ideas not matter how regional they are.

The role of an Ambassador is to speak about local environmental actions to their partners around the world. Different environmental actions can link to one another, just as living cells in an organism. One idea that works in a certain area of the world can do miracles in another. What we do in one corner of the world has an effect in another. It's about putting pieces of the puzzle next to each other to complete a whole big picture: the Earth.

It started with the 150 young participants of the Gaia Camp Manaus '92 voted to establish the Gaiaship Network with each serving as an Ambassador at their own country. You can list all the Gaia Ambassadors around the world in this site.

Each of the participants pledged to keep the Gaiaship Network alive in their own countries by voicing in their community the care of environment and communicating it through the world network.
Their first action was to hand over to the heads of state participating in the World Earth Summit in Rio de more than 10,000 messages from children who had visited the Ship Gaia along its route.

Any one can apply to become a Gaia Ambassador of their own country. The basic requierment is to share the same values towards enviroment and to be willing to get involved in the movement.
If you are already a Gaia Ambassador you can change the information about you in this site.

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